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Rheumatoid Arthritis

Contact points for rheumatic diseases

Whether it's fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatism) or osteoarthritis — there are a number of rheumatic diseases. Many of those affected live with numerous complaints and everyday limitations, from painful joints to exhaustion and inability to work. This can lead to a feeling of loneliness in everyday life. They are met with incomprehension when in contact with their family, friends or work colleagues.

But there are ways to address this loneliness. It is not at all clear to many people with rheumatism how many options for advice and help is available to them. There are numerous contact points where you can meet people who can provide you with targeted information in a situation full of ambiguity and questions and can help you with psychological stress. We have put together some of these contact points for you, where you can find hearing, therapy or network. The list isn't complete, of course, but there might be something for you.

Specialists related to rheumatism

The best possible treatment requires trained experts, a rheumatologist. It is not always easy to find such a specialist. An overview of rheumatology specialists can be found on the care map. Not only doctors with a focus on rheumatology are listed there, but also physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychotherapists, rheumatism centers and rehabilitation clinics. Here you will therefore find a list of specialists for many components of effective treatment of rheumatic diseases.


Rheumatic diseases pose not only a physical but also an emotional challenge. However, it can be a hurdle to specifically seek out psychologists to help you overcome this challenge. On the care map, the German Rheumaliga lists certified psychologists who you can contact. You have the option of choosing one of various psychotherapeutic offers. Together with the experts, you can find out whether behavioral, conversational or group therapy is right for you.


The disease affects many different areas of life. In everyday life between work, family, friends and leisure time, there is often a lack of space and time to consider one's own health needs. During rehabilitation, you can concentrate entirely on that — whether on an outpatient or inpatient basis. You can look at all areas of your life and optimize them with numerous therapy offers and aids. The aim of rehab is to keep physical, psychological and social restrictions as low as possible. Together with your rheumatologist or general practitioner, you can consider whether rehabilitation is an option for you and apply for rehab if necessary. An overview of rheumatological rehabilitation clinics can be found on the care map.


The German Rhema League is the largest German self-help organization in the health sector. They offer information, support and numerous offers and events for relatives and those affected by rheumatic diseases.

If you have any questions in the medical, social or psychosocial sector, you can contact the organization free of charge at 0800 - 600 25 25. You can also search for a Rheumatism League location near you for personal contact and get local advice.

At the numerous events organized by the Rheumatism League, you can also get to know many people, whether they are other sufferers or experts in the area of rheumatoid arthritis and other rheumatic diseases. There you can learn new things and exchange ideas.

self-help groups

It is not at all easy to explain to people what a rheumatic disease is and how it affects life and everyday life. So you can quickly feel alone with this burden. In self-help groups, you can get together with other people affected and exchange ideas about life and everyday life with rheumatism. You can feel understood there. In every federal state, there are self-help groups in which those affected exchange ideas, give each other tips and stand up for the interests of people with rheumatism. Your local rheumatism league can put you in touch with a self-help group.

Digital offerings

The Rheumatism League also offers the opportunity to get in touch with other sufferers and experts from home. There are numerous forums on various topics where you can ask, discuss and support questions free of charge and anonymously - whether about medication, exercise, pregnancy or family. We have linked an overview of all Rheumatism League forums to you.

If you would like more information about rheumatism and your own rheumatic disease, you can also find it online. The Rheumatism League provides brochures and guides that have been reviewed by experts. You can download them online or order them online or from your state or member association.

As you can see, there are numerous offers and therefore some paths you can take. While digital forums are of great help for some people, others find help from counseling or a self-help group. You can try out different things and stuff The right path for your life find.